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The Godly Father

Dr. Ron Sumners

June 15, 2008

The idea for creating a day for children to honor their fathers began in Spokane, Washington. A woman named Sonora Smart Dodd thought of the idea for Father's day while listening to a Mother's Day sermon in 1909. Having been raised by her father, after her mother died, Sonora wanted her father to know how special he was to her. It was her father that had made all the parental sacrifices and who was the stabilizing force in her life. In the eyes of his daughter, he was a courageous, selfless, and loving man. Her father was born in June. So, she chose to hold the first Father's Day celebration in Spokane, Washington on the 19th of June, 1910. In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge  proclaimed  the third Sunday in June as Father's Day.

A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and unappreciated heroes in all humanity!

One time a little boy was asked to define Father's Day and he said, "It's just like Mother's Day, only you don't spend as much on the present!"

The greatest  number of long distance phone calls is made on Mother's Day; the largest number of collect calls is made on Father's Day!

I thought of some of Dad's favorite sayings: 

"Go ask your mother!"

"Just wait 'til I get home!" 

"When I was your age...

"I'm busy right now."

I came across this poem the other day. I thought it would be appropriate:

Mender of  toys, leader of  boys, 

Changer of  fuses, kisser of  bruises, 

Bless him, 0’ Lord.

Mover of couches, soother of ouches, 

Pounder of nails, teller of tales.

Reward him, 0’ Lord.

Hanger of screens, counselor of teens, 

Fixer of bikes, chastiser of tykes,

Help him, 0’ Lord.

Raker of leaves, cleaner of  eaves, 

Dryer of dishes, fulfiller of wishes, 

Bless him, 0’ Lord!

We could go many places in the Bible for an example of a godly father. One of these is Joshua. At the age of 110, he summoned the leaders of Israel to Shechem for a farewell address. He charged them to obey the Lord, who had fought for them and given them an inheritance. He warned them of the danger of apostasy, saying, "Choose you this day whom you will serve..."

He chose the perfect setting because Shechem was alive with sacred memories. It was at Shechem that Abraham built an altar.  Jacob's well was a Shechem. Twenty-five years earlier, a tremendous dedication service had taken place there.

As Joshua spoke, he did so with authority and experience, for he had walked with Moses for 40 years and led Israel into the conquest of Canaan for another 25 years. He reinforced his appeal with the power of a good example, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." 

There  are  a  lot  of  things  we  could  say about Joshua, but  I will mention just  two - two qualities that he possessed that all fathers would do well to emulate.

1. Priest of the Home.

He acknowledges his responsibility for the spiritual life of his family. He spoke for his family; he declared their intent.

A priest cannot function unless he is in close contact with God. Joshua had a daily communion with God and a personal relationship. He could be the priest of his family because he knew God. Fathers, here this morning, do you have that daily walk with God? Many of you can't be the spiritual leader of your home because you have no personal walk with the Lord!

According to the Bible, the family was designed  to  be  the  basic   educational  unit (Deut. 6:6-9; 11:18; Eph. 6:4). Therefore, it is the father's duty to make sure his children know how to be saved and how to walk in the ways of the Lord.

The greatest thing a father can pass on to his children is the love of God. We all understand that love begets. In 3:11 Joshua urges Israel to make love of God their special aim. A part of "The Blessing," that we talked about for the past few months, is to pass to our children the Love that we have received from God. Do your children know that you love God? Have you exhibited, in your daily life, a heart that loves the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength? Is this true or is church and God an activity for social respectability and not a real priority in your life?

Joshua, the warrior, became a man of peace. It brings to mind the scene on the seashore when Jesus looked at Peter and said, "Simon, do you love me more than anything?" If we have received love, and we have through Jesus Christ, then we must give love! And if we  are  to  pass  it  on  to  our  children  and grandchildren, we  must  absorb  it  into  our lives!

Another  principle  is that  the  family  will usually follow the lead of the father. Someone had said, "A boy will love his mother, but will follow the example of  his father." What example are you setting for your children to follow?

There is a story of a dedicated pastor whose young  son had become very ill. After the boy had undergone a  series of tests, the father was told the shocking news that his son had a terminal illness. The boy had accepted Christ as his Savior, so the minister knew that death would usher him into glory; but he wondered how to tell one so young that he would soon die. After earnestly seeking  the direction of the Holy Spirit, he went, with a heavy heart to his son's hospital room.

He stood by the bedside and held his son's hand. He prayed and read the scripture. Then he gently told him what the doctors had said. He informed his son that he had only a short time to live. "Are you afraid to meet Jesus, my son?" asked the father. The child responded, "No, not if he's like you, Dad!"

His little arms crept round my neck, 

And then I heard him say,

Four simple words I can't forget, 

Four words that made me pray.

They turned a mirror on my soul, 

On secrets no one knew,

They startled me, I hear them yet, 

He said, "I'll be like you!"

Fathers and mothers, I want to share with you ten ways to fail as a parent.

1. Have fights in front of your children. Then when guests come, tum  around and act affectionately toward one another.

2. Stifle your children's questions by saying, "Don't bother me now I'm busy."

3. Take no interest in your children's friends. Let them run around with whomever they choose.

4. Never discipline your children; try  to use psychology instead. Never follow through with promised  disciplinary action.

5. Nag them about their school work and place undue importance on their grade average. Always expect more and never praise them for their accomplishments.

6. Demonstrate your love for them with material things. A new car at 16, of course. An iPhone with unlimited text messaging - they need it. Give them everything their hearts desire; everything but yourself.

7. Never be honest and discuss the facts of life with them openly and honestly. Instead let them learn about sex from their friends or the internet.

8. Set such a bad example that the children will never want to be like you or serve a God that a person like you would serve!

9. Absolutely refuse to believe it if you are told that your child has done something wrong. 

10. Let your children make their own choices in the matter of faith and religion. Be careful not to influence· them in any way.

As priest of the home, the godly father is also a man of prayer. He goes to  God often on behalf  of his family, asking for wisdom and courage for himself, and protection for his wife and children, Job 1:5 tells us that Job rose early in the morning and made a sacrifice for his children. This was his regular custom. Do you pray for your children and their walk with the Lord? Have you ever talked to them about faith?

2. Plan for his Family

The second quality that Joshua possessed was that he had a plan for his family. Being  the priest of the family is not enough. The godly father must have a plan for the spiritual life of his loved ones. Joshua said, "My house will serve the Lord."

A godly father must strive, with God's help, for family unity. There was togetherness  in Joshua's family. I believe that the reason for this unity was due to Joshua's godly character, his example. His faith was genuine, authentic and as a result his family said, "Whatever you say Dad, we will agree!"

When marriage vows are kept, and the couple is devoted both to the Lord and to each other, there is no more powerful statement of family unity.

When the family is united, it will endure the trials that come its way. Joshua had a godly determination to preserve his family. He was prepared to stand alone with God and his family if necessary.

This would not be the first time he had stood with God alone, apart from the crowd and popular opinion. 65 years earlier, at Kadesh-Bamea, he and Caleb had given a minority report about possessing the Promised Land.

This godly determination must extend into the devotional life of the family. Joshua was determined to establish a spiritual oasis with his family. In a desert of worldliness  and half-hearted  Christian commitment we need families that are an oasis of commitment to Christ. Spiritual giants are grown in such a climate.

Charles M. Shelton wrote a little book years ago entitled, "IN HIS STEPS." Over 30 million copies have been sold. In it Shelton gives this testimony.

"In a log house on the prairie, my father taught me to love the Bible. After breakfast every morning, the family would have a devotional time in the parlor. Each of us had a Bible of his own. Father would read the  first two verses out loud from  the chapter of  the day.  Then mother would read the next  two verses and each of us children would read two. Before five years was ended, we had read through the Bible five times.  We never skipped, not even through  those long lists of begetting one another.  The minute we finished Revelation, father would calmly turn back to Genesis and we went at it again. My father taught me to love the Bible as the greatest book in the world. "

What about you, Dad? Do you lead by example? Do you serve as the priest  of your family? Do you pray for your family constantly? Do you love the Word of God and have you expressed that love to your family?

In this congregation, and in many more like it around the country, we have many men who are very successful but complete failures as fathers!

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