Dr. Ron Sumners
January 6, 2002

September 11th, 2001 is a date that will always be remembered by Americans. The horrendous images of the World Trade Towers collapsing will forever be etched in our minds. From that disaster came great stories of bravery and heroism. Tales of sacrifice and loves that swell our hearts, true-life stories that have reunited a fractured, wandering nation.
While these stories inspired us and moved us, the actions of others proved the callousness and lostness of the human condition. One landlord wanted to continue to charge rent on apartments near Ground Zero, even though they were unlivable. While most restaurants offered free food and shelter, one deli owner was charging double for a sandwich the week after the disaster. Some people broke into stores and looted and stole as much as they could take away because they knew the police could not be concerned about them.
It should not surprise us that the same dynamic is at work in our own spiritual lives. We see the best and worst in ourselves and in the church as a whole.
All of us know that Christians experience problems relating to one another. Christians have arguments and disagreements with each other. But beyond that, Christians sin constantly against one another. We harm one another with our thoughts, words and deeds. Although there is no escaping the fact that we will always continue to sin, two major differences should exist between the unbelievers and us. The first is that our standard of conduct, what is right and wrong, are higher because they are God’s standards. The other important difference is that God has given us a way of mending and healing those wrongs perpetrated against each other.
God has devised a process through which reconciliation takes place, allowing us a second chance with one another. He has also prescribed the manner in which we are to act when involved in a dispute with a Christian brother or sister. The reconciliation occurs privately between the concerned parties. Gossip, slander, and bitter words, common to disputes in worldly situations, are simply inappropriate, and even disgraceful, when Christians are mending their relationships. Indeed, the typical patterns of worldly avarice are explicitly prohibited from the process.
It is not all right for Christians to drag their problems with each other through the world’s arena. God has given us a program in His Word of how to deal with these things, and it is not to bring them to the world.
This truth is evident all throughout the dramatic story of Simon Peter. Always brash and bold, Jesus warned him “Satan has asked for you, that he might sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail” (Luke 22:31-32).
That must have seemed a needless prayer to the apostle. Peter responded saying; “I am ready to go with you, both to prison and to death” (Luke 22:33). He was absolutely confident in his faith, his reliability, and his constancy. Jesus knew better. He said, “The rooster shall not crow this day before you will deny three times that you know me” (Luke 22:34).
I suppose that it is unfortunate that despite all the wonderful things Peter did during his life, when his name is mentioned, the first thing we think of is often this incident which shows him in the worst light. Then again, perhaps it is because of his dramatic failure that this story gives a vivid warning to all of us of the danger of denying our Lord. It clearly reminds us that no one is immune to the possibility of a spiritual downfall.
Ask a dozen Christians who their favorite disciple is, and the majority of them will probably say Simon Peter. Perhaps the reason is that he is so intensely human. He is just like we are: impulsive, impetuous, and impossible. When he made mistakes, he made big ones. When he spoke unwisely, he spoke very unwisely. I can’t speak for each of you, but that certainly describes me!
Clearly, Peter did not expect to deny the Lord. In spite of Christ’s clear warning, turning his back on the Lord was the farthermost thing from Peter’s mind. But then, none of us deliberately intend to fall spiritually. None of us actually plan to fall into temptation and sin. Like Peter, we are more inclined to expect that we will remain forever stalwart. So, we are always a bit shocked when the inevitable happens and we do fall.
It is a very precarious spiritual position to place ourselves in; to assume that we will never fall. It is a very dangerous thing to be where Peter was, actually boasting of his loyalty to the Lord. Peter did not set out to deny the Lord. His fall was not sudden or unpredictable. No, his fall was slow, almost an imperceptible alteration within him.
Almost everyone has heard the term “slippery slope.” That phrase refers to some sort of process that occurs so smoothly that whoever is on that slope cannot perceive it or does not know how to get off. A good example is the way an adulterous affair begins.
Most people do not wake up one morning and say, “You know, I think I’m going to begin an affair today.” Instead, it begins with the gradual distancing that occurs between husband and wife – many times in response to some other situation or circumstances occurring in their respective lives. At some point though, the distance becomes so great that they believe that it can’t ever be effectively bridged again. True heart separation happens, and eventually an affair results. This spiritual fall is gradual. It is a process. It takes place in stages, one leading to another in a chain reaction. Once on that slippery slope, we drift ever downward, unable to stop the slide.
Eventually we slide farther than we ever thought possible.
Peter’s fall was no different. He mistakenly stepped on that slippery slope. He followed its downward course. As we look at Peter’s life was can distinguish at least five steps that led him toward his denial and lead us to our spiritual failures.
The first step is PRIDE. Jesus said, “Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I prayed for you, that your faith should not fail.” Jesus warned Peter in the most gentle and compassionate way. So, what was Peter’s response? In essence he said, “I can handle anything, Lord. If it is prison or even death, I’m your man. I will never fail you!”
Step one on the spiritual downgrade is an overwhelming confidence in the flesh. It is a dangerous thing to be too sure of our own strength and resolve, independent of the Holy Spirit! While this is true, there is a trend in society of training people to flaunt confidence in the flesh by teaching self-esteem, self-confidence and self-reliance. This mentality, while having merit, cannot be the dominant theme of Christian discipleship.
Spiritual failures don’t just happen! They aren’t plotted or planned either. There isn’t a preacher or layperson that stumbled who really intended to do so. A great fall comes along in life when we forget that we need to rely on the daily bread of grace. A great fall happens when we begin to rest in the confidence of the flesh. It is all too often fatal when a Christian begins to boast about what he is going to do or not going to do.
The same thing happened to Peter when he stepped out to walk on the water. He was doing fine until he took his eyes off the Lord and put them on the waves. At that point, he sank. The fact is, “He who trusts in his own heart is a fool” (Proverbs 28:26).
What happens when we rely on our own flesh? The answer is that we take the next step on the spiritual downgrade. We resolve ourselves to PRAYERLESSNESS. Notice the pattern in the life of the disciples; “When He came to the place, He said to them, ‘Pray that you enter not into temptation’” (Luke 22:40).
Is that what they did? No! “When He rose up from prayer, and had come to His disciples, He found them sleeping from sorrow” (Luke 22:45).
Prayerlessness! Pride and self-confidence naturally lead to prayerlessness. They go together, like steak and potatoes, corned beef and cabbage, or peanut butter and jelly. Pride and prayerlessness go together. One who thinks he can stand alone has no sense of the need for a prayer life. After all, what need is there to pray if we think ourselves strong enough to resist temptation.
For most of us, prayer is an admission of weakness and insufficiency. We know that we can’t do what God alone can do. We throw ourselves at His mercy because we realize that our own efforts are woefully inadequate. We pray because we need, and only God can supply the answers to that need.
Sadly, Simon Peter abandoned prayer, not because he was weak and insufficient, but because he was unwilling to confess his dire need of God’s work in his life.
Peter’s fall was directly related to prayerlessness. He slept instead.
The third step along the spiritual downgrade is PRESUMPTION. “While He was still speaking, behold, a multitude; and he who was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them and drew near to Jesus to kiss Him. But Jesus said to him, ‘Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?’ When those around Him saw what was going to happen, they said to Him, ‘Lord, shall we strike with a sword?’ And one of them struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his right ear” (Luke 22:47-50).
So, who was this fellow who was ready to go to war for the cause of Christ? It was Simon Peter. What was happening to him?
His problem began with pride. That brought about prayerlessness, and that brought about presumption. It is always an indication of someone being out of touch with Jesus when they do and say irrational, presumptuous things. A Christian who operates in the energy of the flesh dishonors the name of the Lord and loses the respect of others around him.
Operating in the flesh is a real sign of infancy in the Christian life. Simon Peter acted like an undisciplined child when he struck off the ear of that servant.
How many Christians act like undisciplined, petulant children? Their actions dishonor Jesus and do damage to His cause.
The fourth step along the spiritual downgrade is PARANOIA. Peter boasted that he would follow Jesus to the death. When Jesus was actually arrested, he followed in the shadows.
Simon Peter was afraid of what others might think, of what others might do to him, afraid of his circumstances. He was sinking in a sea of fear. It wasn’t that he wanted to abandon the faith altogether. He didn’t. At least he came to the house of Caiaphas. The rest of the disciples had fled into the darkness. No, it wasn’t so much that Peter wanted to quit following Jesus. But he followed at a great distance due to his own paranoia. He was gripped with fear.
Are you afraid of what your peers think about you or are you afraid of what Christ will think of you?
The fifth step along the downgrade is PEER PRESSURE. Peter denied that he even knew Jesus as he stood in the courtyard of Caiaphas’ home.
What happened? Peer pressure and worldliness finally molded Peter into a member of the crowd. Peter was worried about what others might think, and as a result, he betrayed his principles at the drop of a hat. The Psalmist says: “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful” (Psalm 1:1). Sadly, that description hardly fit Peter at this point in his walk.
When Jesus was arrested, He was taken to the house of Caiaphas, and Peter followed. He made some big promises, but now, he was identifying with the world that rejected Jesus. He was sitting among them at the fire denying that he had ever known Jesus. His sense of identity suddenly shifted from his Master to his peers. He caved in to the expectations of those around him.
Does that sound anything like you?
The final step along the downgrade is PERJURY. Open denial. Lying. Not once, not twice, but three times Simon Peter lied. If Simon Peter could fall in such a way, can any of us be immune?
Hours before, he had boasted of his willingness to die for the sake of the faith if necessary. Now, he is not even willing to be honest in a casual conversation for the sake of the faith. Before, he was a champion of the Gospel. Now, he has become a spiritual failure.
Thank God that was not the end of the story. In the end, Simon Peter repented and returned to the fold of faithfulness.
The ultimate result of Peter’s tortured walk along the downgrade was the shedding of bitter tears of remorse. He did not remain a victim of his sin or self-pity.
Later, when the women came to the tomb following the crucifixion, an angel greeted them and told them, “Go, tell His disciples, and Peter, that he is going before you into Galilee” (Mark 16:7). The message specifically singles out Peter. Jesus especially wanted Peter to know that his one failure didn’t make for a permanent flop. He was graciously given a second chance.
God is a God of a second chance. His love for us dictates His actions. He desires to see us reconciled to Him so we may commune with Him and carry out the tasks He has set for us. Therefore, He makes sure that we are reconciled. Christ restored Peter to Himself just as God restores any one of us to His fold. God is the Great Shepherd and loving Father of us all. The God of the second chance delights in that chance being extended and accepted. All of heaven rejoices every time that happens, whether with Peter or with you.
Wouldn’t the first Sunday of 2002 be a wonderful time to take that second chance that He offers?