Dr. Ron Sumners
May 9, 2010

This is a classic story of Solomon’s wisdom and I must admit to you that I have never heard it as a text for a Mother’s Day sermon.
We often see only the primary message and miss the rest of the story. This story is not just about Solomon’s wisdom – it is about two mothers! This story not only shows Solomon’s God-given wisdom, but also provides some truths about motherhood from an unlikely source.
The first truth is: There is no such thing as a perfect mother. I do not say that to drag mothers down, but to build them up. No one needs to be treated with more tenderness than our mothers. Perhaps no one is more caring and conscientious than our mother. Sometimes we are too hard on them. Sometimes they are too hard on themselves.
The two mothers in this story were prostitutes! Their babies were evidently conceived out of wedlock. These are not sweet, white-picket-fence, pink-or-blue-ribbon on the door kind of births. It was a natural consequence of their profession. That fact grabs you and makes you sit up and take notion. Why did Solomon, king over God’s chosen people, even take the time to worry with two prostitutes? These women, and the men who paid for their services, were living out of God’s will. Why did Solomon concern himself with them? Why did God concern himself with me or you? It is because He loved them and us.
Solomon was concerned about these two women because God was concerned about them! Why do we have to care about those who suffer and fall and live a life unworthy of themselves? Because God cares!
The church should stand for moral purity. But the church must also stand for forgiveness and restoration! These women were not living up to God’s ideal – yet He still loved them. If any of us had to wait for God to love us based on our performance, we would all be out of luck.
No, there is no such thing as a perfect mother. Just like there are not any perfect ones in the rest of us. We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). If there is anyone in whom we should be willing to overlook faults, it should be our mother. Why is that? Because they have overlooked so many of ours!
There are some of you here today who have never forgiven your mother because she was not perfect. Maybe you expected the impossible to start with!
We need to lighten up on moms a little, and moms need to lighten up on themselves a little, laugh, and enjoy this life that God has given.
Here are a few examples of children’s letters to God:
“Dear God, I read the Bible. What does ‘begat’ mean? Nobody will tell me. Love Allison.”
“Dear God, did you mean for the giraffe to look like that or was it an accident – Norma”
“Dear God, I went to a wedding and they kissed right in church. Is that okay? – Neil”
“Dear God, thank you for the baby brother but what I prayed for was a puppy. – Joyce”
“Please send me a pony. I never asked for anything before. You can look it up. – Bruce”
“Dear God, please send Dennis Clark to a different camp this year. – Peter”
“Dear God, I think about you sometimes even when I’m not praying. – Elliott”
“Dear God, I bet it is very hard to love everyone in the whole world. There are only four in my family and I can’t do it. – Nan”
“Dear God, I didn’t think orange and purple went together until I saw the sunset you made on Tuesday. That was cool. – Eugene”
Those authentic letters would make any mother smile! Find something to smile about every day and make it a regular habit. Life is too good – too wonderful and too short to waste it frowning.
Some days you may have to look hard for something to smile or laugh about, but do!
There is a second truth about motherhood that comes from our story. God has answers for a mother’s problems.
Don’t look for stress-free motherhood, it doesn’t exist. From the pains of giving birth, to the empty nest, to grandchildren and beyond, motherhood is stressful.
Again, this is not meant to discourage anyone. There is good news! God is willing to assist moms in the problems they encounter.
God didn’t give Solomon wisdom so people would be impressed with him. He gave him wisdom for a purpose. God not only loved those two prostitute mothers, He also loved the little baby in the story. God dispatched His wisdom to Solomon to save the child.
God still has wisdom for parenting responsibilities today. He can guide and provide for mothers in all kinds of life situations – single moms, adoptive moms, step-moms, moms in special situations, you name it – God can help.
Children today have special needs. It can be frightening to attempt to parent. But God has wisdom to give you for the task. He can guide you through every situation. His wisdom can be yours if you desire it and seek it.
A mom was tucking her small boy in bed one summer night during a terrible thunderstorm. She was just about to turn out the light when he asked with a tremor in his voice, “Mommy. Will you sleep with me tonight?” The mother smiled and gave him a reassuring hug. “I can’t, I have to sleep with your daddy.” A long silence was broken at last by the shaky little voice: “The big sissy.”
Here is a third truth from this story: There is nothing like a mother’s love!
The real mother in this story would rather see another woman raise her child than to see it killed. You have to be willing to let go to be a good mother. All of us who have adopted children know that some mother gave up their child because of love for that child. Maybe there was no threat of death for the child but the reality of a life without a home or two parents. Adopted children are not abandoned children. I see a mother’s love every time I look at my children.
There is the story of a famous wise man who could answer any question. A young man decided to test his wisdom. He had a tiny bird in his hand and he asked the wise man: “Is the bird in my hand dead or alive?” The boy held the live bird and reasoned that if the wise man said that the bird was dead, he would release it and let it fly and if the wise man said that the bird was alive, he would crush it and show the lifeless body of the bird. He eagerly awaited the wise man’s answer so he could mock him for being wrong. The wise man looked as the young man held the bird behind his back. “Well, is the bird dead or alive?” said the young man. The wise man replied, “It’s all up to you!”
We hold the lives of our children in our hands. Will we allow them the freedom to fly and be the people God ordained them to be or will we crush them with our fretting and overprotection.
Personal sacrifice is a pivotal part of motherhood. It begins by sacrificing their own bodies by carrying the child around in their womb for nine months. No mother’s child should ever forget that sacrifice. Our mother’s fed us, nourished and protected us with their own bodies before we ever saw the light of day.
But a mother’s sacrifice doesn’t end there. They keep on giving. They give up sleep for the midnight feedings. They give up personal goals to help their children achieve their goals.
How many times did you get a new outfit and mom wore the same old clothes, or how many times did she give you the last helping at supper because you are a growing boy.
We honor moms for all they do. They remind us of God who is sacrificial and giving. He gave His only Son for a world of wayward children. That kind of love should not go unnoticed and unappreciated. Respond to moms with great love and appreciation. And respond to God who loves us through Godly parents.